Twilight Zone First Season

"In the parlance of the twentieth century, this is an oddball. His name is James B.W. Bevis, and his tastes lean toward stuffed animals, zither music, professional football, Charles Dickens, moose heads, carnivals, dogs, children, and young ladies. Mr. Bevis is accident prone, a little vague, a little discombooberated, with a life that possesses all the security of a floating crap game. But this can be said of our Mr. Bevis: without him, without his warmth, without his kindness, the world would be a considerably poorer place, albeit perhaps a little saner. [Narration interrupted by character action and dialogue.] Should it not be obvious by now, James B.W. Bevis is a fixture in his own private, optimistic, hopeful little world, a world which has long ceased being surprised by him. [Narration interrupted by more character action and dialogue.] James B.W. Bevis, on whom Dame Fortune will shortly turn her back, but not before she gives him a paste in the mouth. Mr. James B.W. Bevis, just one block away from the Twilight Zone."

Mr. Bevis loses his job, wrecks his car and gets evicted from his apartment, all in one day. Bevis then meets his guardian angel J. Hardy Hempstead, who assists him. Bevis starts the day over, except now he is a success at work, his rent is paid, and his car is now a sportscar, instead of a jalopy. However, in order to have his new life, Bevis must make some changes: No loud clothes, no zither music, no longer can he be the well-liked neighborhood goofball. Realizing all these things is what makes him happy, Bevis asks that things be returned to the way they were. Hempstead changes things back, but arranges for Bevis to get his old jalopy back. He is still his guardian angel.

"Mr. James B.W. Bevis, who believes in a magic all his own. The magic of a child's smile, the magic of liking and being liked, the strange and wondrous mysticism that is the simple act of living. Mr. James B.W. Bevis, species of twentieth-century male, who has his own private and special Twilight Zone."

Notes: The only intro to be interrupted twice by character speech.

Notes and corrected narrations courtesy of Twilight Zone Cafe Moderator, Matt Vandermast (aka "James B.W. Bevis")


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